Dermal Fillers

What are Facial Fillers?

Facial fillers are cosmetic tools which are injected into the skin and are typically made from hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyl apatite. These products assist in rejuvenating skin, reducing wrinkles, raising scar depressions, enhancing lips, and replacing volume loss in soft tissues of the face.

We start to lose volume in our face beginning in our 20’s due to the loss of hyaluronic acid, collagen, and elastin. The gradual aging process strips the skin’s hyaluronic acid reserves, leading to sagging and hollowness of the facial features as well as dry skin. Restylane is a family of hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers that reverse the signs of aging and enhance your existing facial features. When placed in the lips, it can help to give a more plump and hydrated look. The goal of facial rejuvenation should be to start as soon as the signs of volume loss appear so that the natural facial features can be preserved.



Sculptra is an injectable that consists of an active ingredient called Poly-L-lactic acid that activates your body’s collagen production capabilities. It is a slow process but it is very useful to restore significant volume loss and hollowness in the cheeks and temples, the result of which is lifting and a more natural youthful appearance. It is also helpful to treat the nasolabial folds as well as marionette lines. Since Sculptra causes the production of natural collagen, the results can last up to 2 years.


Bellafill is an injectable product that contains both collagen and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres that stimulates collagen growth long term to help maintain your youthful appearance for up to 5 years. After injection, there is an immediate improvement due to the collagen and then over time, your body uses the microspheres in Bellafill to create a “scaffold” onto which your own natural collagen develops We use Bellafill to restore volume loss as well as to contour the face for optimal aesthetic beauty.


Your Dermal filler experience starts with a thorough evaluation wherein Dr. Kurzman or Caitlyn selects the ideal dermal filler for your specific needs. Each filler provides different results for different treatment areas — selecting the ideal filler is necessary for natural results.

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