Microneedling PRP

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) is a popular anti-aging therapy. It uses platelets from your own blood to support your body’s healing process. PRP restores your skin’s natural strength and resilience for facial rejuvenation, improving tone and texture. 

PRP is a compound that contains a high amount of platelets. A sample of blood is drawn and it is spun in a centrifuge, separating the platelets and plasma from the red and white blood cells. 

The platelets and plasma are used to create the PRP that is used for microneedling.

What is PRP Microneedling?

PRP microneedling is a cosmetic treatment that combines PRP therapy with microneedling. 

Microneedling is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation treatment that stimulates collagen production, kick-starting dermal remodeling. Combining PRP with microneedling invigorates the healing process and supports the growth of new skin cells to fully rejuvenate your skin.

Who is a Candidate For PRP Microneedling?

The ideal candidate for PRP microneedling is an individual who wants to revitalize the look and health of their skin. Both men and women have PRP microneedling to:

  • Improve skin tone and texture
  • Minimize the appearance of lines and wrinkles
  • Tighten loose skin
  • Treat acne, acne scars, and stretch marks
  • Decrease pore size

If you’re looking for a natural way to restore your skin’s youthful glow, then you’re a candidate for PRP microneedling. This cosmetic treatment is safe for most people and requires no special preparation.


What Happens During PRP Microneedling?

PRP microneedling starts with a blood draw to make your PRP. Your provider cleans your skin and applies a topical numbing gel to minimize discomfort during your microneedling.

Dr. Kurzman or Cailtlyn uses their microneedling device to create microtears in the surface layer. After the microneedling, they apply the PRP serum.

You may have some swelling, bruising, and redness following PRP microneedling. You need to avoid using makeup and exfoliating cleansers for the first three days following your beauty treatment. 

It’s also important to protect your treated skin from the sun with sunscreen or clothing.


When Can I Expect to See Results From PRP Microneedling?

You should see improvements in your skin immediately following your PRP microneedling. However, you will need three monthly treatments to get the best results.

We customize your treatment plan to match your goals. Using our medical grade skin care products will enhance the effect of this treatment.

To maintain your youthful look, you may benefit from 2-4 PRP microneedling treatments a year.

Call the office of Michael Kurzman MD, and schedule your PRP microneedling consultation today.

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